Experts of Asia

Your trusted partner for sourcing in Asia

We provide sourcing solutions locally and reliably. With us, you get directly to the source of the products. We enable you to have a transparent supply chain that allows you to influence products and their responsibility locally and cost-effectively.


Our core competencies

Industry & commerce


Industry & commerce

  • Industry
  • Components
  • Semi-finished products
  • Engineering
  • Subassemblies
  • Machines

Retail products

  • Clothes and accessories
  • Pet supplies
  • Hardware
  • Gardening and yard care
  • Home and interior decoration
  • Sports and leisure

History of Nikolai

Sourcing services pioneer

Lars Thiodolf Krogius (1832–1890) was an adventurous Finnish sea captain. In his youth, he sailed abroad on many ships and many seas. After the Crimean War (1854–1856), Krogius served as the captain of Imperator Nikolai I (named after Nicholas I of Russia), owned by the Russia–America Chamber of Commerce.

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Meet the team

Rauli Ratasvuori

As our CEO, I manage all operations at Nikolai Sourcing. My experience in commerce comes from public companies, smaller firms and from running my own business

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Interested in our cost-effective and responsible sourcing?

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